Saturday, May 22, 2010

....and why I need a cupcake

In my mind every time life serves up a challenge a perfect cupcake should be delivered to my door via the "Sorry That Is Life Club". Of course I know life is full of joy and sorrow but I find a perfect cupcake is just the thing to pause it all. You can't argue with a cupcake. Its full intention is to bring joy. There is no burden of care or maintenance and even if you don't like to eat cupcakes you can admire the perfection of something so tempting to many. You can throw it away after a brief moment of admiration without guilt.

I have been a member of that club for awhile and have yet to get my cupcake. That is OK with me. I love my life but sometimes I question my qualifications. So tonight maybe I will break out an old family cookbook and make some cupcakes.


FairiesNest said...

I am sending you a virtual cupcake...not as good as the real thing but chock full of best wishes and happy thoughts....and of course chocolate icing!

germandolls said...

Can I join that club? I am sending you the German version of a cupcake. It is made with red wine and dark grated chocolate inside. The icing is chocolate, too. Rainbow sprinkles on top. Can you picture it? Hope you like it!
XO Ulla