Computer mouse
Originally uploaded by haddy2dogs
One year ago on my birthday a fellow Etsy seller and friend gave me a wee needle felted mouse. She delighted my daughter who directly went about the daily care of our new friend. One evening I told my husband in passing that I need a new computer mouse. The next morning I found this mouse by my computer.
" Mama that is your new computer mouse!"
Since that day we decided computer mouse needs fresh air from time to time so we take her with us out and about on our many adventures. She has been to the zoo and out in the country. She helps me ship at the post office and even helps pick out the groceries.
We can't share our dear little friend but you can invite one to your house by contacting LittleElfsToyshop on Etsy.
Your blog is such a joy to read, you write beautifully describing the lovely small moments, and reading brings back so many memories of when my own children were young.
Awww that's just too sweet. ^_^ Thanks Haddy, I'm so glad computer mouse brings so many smiles to you and your family. ^_^
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